Chinese character recognition ie one of the basic stages in Chinese reading. Research progress on this topic,ill contribute to our naderstanding of the details of human reading beh8vior.It m8y 8180 888181 the development of computer information processing of Chinese language.
This study consist of three stages to investigate the frequency effect of character constituents and their combinations in the recognition of Chinese characters, especially abort the relationship between the whole and the parts is the recognition of characters.
In the let stage, The aim was to prepare the data to be need for selecting the stimuli in the ezperimental research. With’the Databaae’, of Attributes of Chinese Characters’,it was found that the character constitaents and their combinations had an uneven distribution in the Chinese character set. Two databases for the frequency of character constituents and their combinations were produced.
In the 2nd stage 6 ezperiments were dieigned using different paradigms. Ezperimentl found that the frequency of 2 component constituents of Chinese characters had different effect on the naming RT of the whole character. The 1st constituents showed significant facilitating effect when recognizing the low frequency charater.In ezperiment2, the sub」ects were asked to name the whole character after presenting the 2 constituents separately,ith a certain interval.The frequency of the 2nd character constituents had significant inhibitory effect. Ezperiment 3 found that the frequency of both constituents all have facilitating effect upon the RT when the subject were asked to name the constituents.
The result of ezperiment 4 indicated that the frequency of combinations of charater constituents had significant facilitating effects upon the RT when the task was to name the whole character,ith 2 components. In ezperiment 6, presenting the 2 constituents eepretely,the frequency of combination of charater constituents also show significant facilitating effect.In ezperiment 8,the task was to name the tight一left type character combining,ith S charater constituents.It were fonad that the frequency of constituent combination had facilitating effect when they were on the left position of the whole charater,or inhibitory effect when they were on the right position.
In the 3rd stage, one theoretical models were proposed on the basis of the ezperimental resalte.That was’the ieolevel frequency effect model’,which diacneaiag the differen‘frequency effects of different levels of stimuli apon the different congnitive processes.
The conclusions of all the research are us follows:
(1) Chinene character constituents and their combinations had uneven diatribution in the Chinese charater set.
(2) Chinese character constituents and’their combination had facilitating effect When they Were on the top or left position of the Whole charater,ar inhibitory effect When they Were on the bottom or tight position.
(3) The relationship between the Whole and the part of Chinese characters,as shown by the frequency effect, dependa upon the level of stimuli and the cognitive process. For the global process, global frequency showed facilitating effect while partial frequency showed inhibitory or facilitating effect; For partial process, global frequency showed inhibitory effect while partial frequency showed facilitating effect.