The ability to transfer learning across contexts is an adaptive skill that develops rapidly during childhood. Learning by imitation from videosis a specific instance of transfer of learning from a two-dimensional (2D) representation to the real world. Understanding the conditions under which young children might accomplish this particular kind of transfer is important, given that today children are exposed to 3D media such as 3D movies and games on a daily basis. Recent research shows that children can imitate tool-use actions presented on videos using the corresponding real-world objects, but the similar kind of research also shows that children learn less from video than they do from live demonstrations until they are at least 3 years old; termed the video deficit effect. At present, there is no coherent theory to account for the video deficit effect; how learning is disrupted by this change in context is poorly understood. The aims of the present study are: (1) to investigate the children's ability of transferring learning from 3D media during childhood, and discover factors which may improve or disturb the effect of transferring; (2) to discuss the mechanism of children's transferring of learning from 3D media, and integrate developmental theories of memory processing into the transfer of learning. The medi
随着3D等电子媒体在生活中的普及,有必要考察电子媒体对儿童各方面发展的影响。本研究主要考察了儿童从3D和2D媒体到现实世界的迁移学习能力,以及2D和3D媒体在儿童动作再认、情绪识别和情绪加工上的异同及其机制,并引入生态系统理论的新视角解释电子媒体的使用与儿童发展的关系。研究发现,3D媒体在3-5岁儿童的面孔表情识别上具有优于2D媒体的优势效应,3D媒体能引发儿童更强烈的情绪反应,以及儿童对2D视频呈现的动作结果的再认好于动作的方式等,初步显示了儿童从3D媒体到现实世界的迁移比从2D媒体更快速及准确的结果。3D等电子媒体作为儿童学习、娱乐、沟通和展示自我的工具,对儿童的认知方式、情感互动方式和参与社会的方式等都会产生一定的影响。我们的研究结果为在儿童教育中引入3D媒体,尤其是在儿童的表情识别和动作模仿方面,提供了科学证据和理论支持。相关研究结果已在国际SSCI期刊Perspectives of Psychological Science (Q1, IF = 9.546), PLoS ONE (Q1, IF = 3.534), Journal of Cognitive Psychology上发表3篇论文,在国内CSCD期刊上发表1 篇论文,还有1篇正在修改的SSCI英文论文和一篇投稿中的CSCD中文论文。