本项目研究了突发公共事件后民众风险决策特点、风险决策的基础理论和机制及风险决策中的个体和文化差异等内容。项目组调研了郴州雪灾、阜阳手足口和汶川地震等灾害事件对风险决策的影响,发现了民众灾后风险决策的一系列特点,研究结果发表在PLoS ONE、Applied Cognitive Psychology、Risk Analysis和Journal of Applied Social Psychology等期刊;对风险决策的基础理论和机制等内容进行了探索,研究结果发表在Brain Research和Journal of Gambling Studies等期刊;对风险决策中的个体和文化差异等的研究发表在Journal of Risk Research 和Journal of Social Psychology等期刊。项目执行期间共发表SCI/SSCI论文14篇(其中待发表SSCI论文3篇),CSCD论文22篇,撰写的三份报告被中科院《对上专报》采用,并上报中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅,为国家相关决策提供参考。关于灾后风险倾向等的研究结果被科学时报、科学网、人民网等重要媒体报道。
The nature of risky decision making after disasters, the behavioral and neural mechanisms of risky decision making, and individual and cultural difference in risky decision making are explored and investigated in this project as scheduled. Having surveyed people's decision making after the snow-hit, HFMD disease and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, we found some interesting findings in post-disaster decision making, such as giving more weight to low probabilities, discounting delayed gains more steeply, and being less overconfident after a disaster. The findings have been published in, or accepted by Applied Cognitive Psychology, Risk Analysis, and Journal of Applied Social Psychology respectively. We observed and reported a "Psychological Typhoon Eye" effect after Wenchuan earthquake, where the worry about disaster was at its lowest level in the extremely devastated areas. The findings may have implications for Chinese governmental strategies for putting "psychological comfort" into effect, which have been published in PLoS ONE.We explored the behavioral and neural mechanisms of decision making in the present project. These studies have been published in Journal of Gambling Studies and Brain Research. Our studies on individual and cultural difference in decision making have been published in Journal of Risk Resea
本项目研究了突发公共事件后民众风险决策特点、风险决策的基础理论和机制及风险决策中的个体和文化差异等内容。项目组调研了郴州雪灾、阜阳手足口和汶川地震等灾害事件对风险决策的影响,发现了民众灾后风险决策的一系列特点,研究结果发表在PLoS ONE、Applied Cognitive Psychology、Risk Analysis和Journal of Applied Social Psychology等期刊;对风险决策的基础理论和机制等内容进行了探索,研究结果发表在Brain Research和Journal of Gambling Studies等期刊;对风险决策中的个体和文化差异等的研究发表在Journal of Risk Research 和Journal of Social Psychology等期刊。项目执行期间共发表SCI/SSCI论文14篇(其中待发表SSCI论文3篇),CSCD论文22篇,撰写的三份报告被中科院《对上专报》采用,并上报中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅,为国家相关决策提供参考。关于灾后风险倾向等的研究结果被科学时报、科学网、人民网等重要媒体报道。