其他摘要 | The 21st century is an era of change, an era of coexistence of challenges and opportunities. Whether in business or government, the importance of leadership in an organization or team cannot be neglected. Leadership-related research has a long history and has always been a research hotspot in the fields of psychology and management.
However, an important issue of leadership and leadership effectiveness that hasoften been overlooked in the past is that in a team environment, the leader himselfemerges first as a team member, and the foundation of the leader's influence should bebuilt on him. Previous research has typically focused on leadership traits, styles, andcommunication with team members. Based on this, some scholars believe thatleadership theory should put its role in the analysis of team members' roles, andproposed a social identity model of leadership. The theory holds that as a member ofthe team, the higher the leader's group prototypicality, the more trust and support hecan gain from team members, and the better the leadership effectiveness. The SocialIdentity Model of Leadership emphasizes shared characteristics of the team ratherthan the individual characteristics and behaviors that leaders influence or relationshipswith team members.
This study explores the relationship and mechanism between the leader groupprototypicality and performance from the perspective of identity. In Study 1, wecollected data on 72 teams at three time points to examine the impact of leader groupprototypicality on team and individual performance. At time 1, participants completedmeasures of leader group prototypicality. Four weeks later, at time 2, participantscompleted measures of team identification and identification to their leader. Again,four weeks later, at time 3,supervisors rated employees’ performance and team’sperformance. The results of the study found that the stronger the leader's group prototypicality, the stronger the team members' sense of team identity andleadership identity, which in turn improved team performance and individualperformance. In Study 2, we manipulated the leader group prototypicality at differentlevels to measure differences in team identity, identification to leader, andperformance. The results support our prediction that leader group prototypicality ispositively associated with team identification and identification to leader. The directeffect of leader group prototypicality on employees’ performance was still significantwhen taking the indirect effect via identification to leader into account. Thus, likeStudy 1, Study 2’s results supported our research hypothesis.
In conclusion, our research provides several implications for theory and research. It also provides effective suggestions for the organization's management practice. |