摘要 | 人们正生活在一个充满风险与挑战的时代,帮助当代儿童青少年驾驭快速变化的世界具有重要意义。一个结构良好、稳定且具有可塑性的自我概念,有利于帮助儿童青少年以有效的方式预测和理解世界,基于环境变化及时调整思想、感受和行为,从而适应环境、抓住机遇。然而,儿童青少年自我概念的成长规律尚未达成共识。为此,建立儿童青少年自我概念成长曲线,有助于探索群体发展关键期及性别差异,及早发现、监测并干预发展偏移。并通过探索内侧前额叶(medial Pre-Frontal Cortex, mPFC)灰质体积与自我概念的关系,进一步加深对自我概念脑机制的理解。
本研究依托“彩巢计划一成长在中国”(Chinese Color NestProject: Growing up in China, devCCNP)加速纵向队列数据集399名(62人完成两次追踪测试)健康儿童青少年,使用儿童自我概念量表(Piers-Harris Children' s self-concept scale,PHCSS)测量自我概念发展水平。
研究一使用线性混合模型(Linear Mixed Model, LMM)比较年龄分组和性别的主效应以及二者的交互作用,发现儿童青少年在焦虑与躯体外貌与属性两维度存在年龄主效应,与前人研究一致,提示样本具有较好代表性。
研究二通过广义可加混合模型(Generalized Additive Mixed Model, GAMM)建模自我概念的加速纵向数据,绘制自我概念及其六个分维度成长曲线。成长曲线建模显示:儿童青少年自我概念均呈现出年龄与性别的交互作用,其中女孩自我概念呈线性下降趋势,总分具有统计学意义勿<0.001);除合群维度外,其余五维度均具有统计学意义勿<0.05),其中躯体外貌与属性和焦虑两维度下降趋势最明显切<0.001)。男孩在总分和行为、幸福与满足两维度出现先增长后下降的倒U型曲线,拐点集中在10岁前后;其余四维度则呈现线性下降的趋势;仅行为和焦虑两维度的随龄变化具有统计学意义伽=0.036, p=0.005)。
整体而言,儿童青少年期自我概念成长趋势复杂,女孩男孩成长规律不同,成长曲线显示女孩自我概念持续下降,男孩在10岁前后出现转折;青春前期出现普遍下降趋势,只要维持在一定范围内,不失为发展过程中的必然趋势;男孩女孩均在焦虑维度中呈现动荡变化,无论在学校教育还是家庭养育中,均应给予更多关注。然而,mPFC作为前人研究中自我概念的核心功能脑区,尚未发现灰质体积与自我概念的显著关系,未来将进一步探讨更多脑指标与自我概念的关系。 |
其他摘要 | People growing up in the current time face several high-stakes and challenges. It is urgent to help the current generation of children and adolescents to navigate this rapidly changing social world. From a developmental perspective, it is important to develop a self-concept that is well-structured, stable but also malleable. Structure and stability help children and adolescents to predict and understand the world in an efficient manner, while context-based malleability helps to tune thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to the opportunities and constraints of the situation. However, there is no consensus on its complex development trend in children and adolescents. To this end, establishing the self-concept Growth Curve of children and adolescents makes it possible to discover developmental rules of the critical period as well as to find, monitor and intervene its developmental deviations from the normative development as early as possible. Besides, exploring the relationship between the volume of gray matter of medial Pre-Frontal Cortex (mPFC) and self-concept contributes to further understanding of the brain mechanism of self-concept.
The present study relied on the "Chinese Color Nest Proj ect: Growing up in China" (devCCNP)一an accelerated longitudinal cohort dataset, a total of 399 typically developing children and adolescents (62 completed two longitudinal waves), completed the Piers-Harris Children's Self-concept Scale (PHCSS) with an aim of assessing developmental levels of self-concept.
Study one used a Linear Mixed Model (LMM) compared main effects of inter-age and gender, as well as the interaction between age and gender. Results show that children and adolescents in Freedom from Anxiety as well as Physical Appearance and Attributes had main effects of inter-age. It is consistent with previous studies so that the sample had a reasonable representation.
Study two used a Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) was proposed to construct Growth Curve of the global score of self-concept and its six sub-dimensions.
The modeling of Growth Curve has indicated that children and adolescents’ self-concept showed the interaction between age and gender. The global self-concept score showed a statistically significant linear trend (p<0.001) with a decreasing monotonic pattern in girls. Except for the Popularity dimension, other five dimensions were statistically significant勿<0.05), in which two dimensions of Physical Appearance and Attributes as well as Freedom from Anxiety were statistically significant (p<0.001). Meanwhile, boys appeared to show an inverted U-shaped curve which increased at the very beginning and then decreased in global self-concept score, Behavioral Adjustment and Happiness and Satisfaction. Notably, the inflection point was concentrated around the age of 10. The other four dimensions showed a linear decreasing trend with age, yet only Behavioral Adjustment and Freedom from Anxiety were statistically significant (p=0.036, p=0.005)。
Study three inspected the relationship between the gray matter volume of mPFC and PHCSS in different age groups. First of all, based on gray matter volume of mPFC of each of the children and adolescents in devCCNP, we updated the brain charts for the human lifespan. Then we obtained the percentiles of each individual under the corresponding age and sex conditions, which were used to calculate the spearman rank correlation with scores of PHCSS. For now, the study has not found significant associations between the gray matter volume of mPFC and self-concept.
The overall results show that the developmental rules were complicated in children and adolescents. Girls and boys develop their self-concept differently. The Growth Curve showed a continuous reduction of the self-concept in girls while a turning point at age of 10 in boys. As long as the changes stay within limits, it is inevitable to see a decline developmental trend in prepuberty. Both girls and boys experienced dramatic changes of Freedom from Anxiety, and more attention should be paid by school and family education practice. However, mPFC, as the core functional brain region of self-concept in previous studies, has not been found to have a significant relationship between gray matter volume and self-concept. In the future, we will explore the relationship between more brain indicators and self-concept. |