其他摘要 | Everyone experiences adversities and stressors in life. These negative events bring a series of negative outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc., which is the most frequent question that current researches related to adversity and trauma pays attention to. However, what is more worthy of attention is that adversity will also bring positive results to individuals, for example, stress-related growth. At present, there are few studies on the influencing factors and mechanisms of stress-related growth. The current research explored the facilitating effect of attachment security priming on stress-related growth, as well as the internal mechanism, from a perspective of attachment theory.
The current research includes three studies. Study 1 adopted a cross-sectional design, using two experimental designs to explore the potential positive affect of attachment security priming on stress-related growth among 254 participants. The questionnaires conducted included the Experience in Close Relationship Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and State Adult Attachment Measure, as well as the measurements of stress-related growth including the Humility Inventory, the Gratitude Questionnaire, and the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs, etc. Results showed that the increase of sense of attachment security significantly facilitated psychological growth (i.e., gratitude) and social growth (i.e., connectedness) after adversity (i.e., loneliness priming).
Study 2 changed the stress priming paradigm, and expanded sample size, in order to further explore the role of attachment security priming in facilitating stress-related growth. This study adopted a cross-sectional design. Questionnaires used in Study 1 were also conducted in Study 2, in which the Satisfaction with Life Scale was used to measure life satisfaction among 266 participants. Results showed that improved attachment security brought significant meta-cognitive growth and social growth (i.e., connectedness) after adversity (i.e., timbre strike priming), instead of other dimensions of stress-related growth. Attachment security priming was associated with significant more positive affect. However, there was no mediation effect of stress-related growth between the association of attachment security priming and subjective well-being.
Study 3 used daily diary method to explore the long-term impact of attachment security on stress-related growth through repeated attachment security priming and its internal mechanism within seven days among 126 participants. Researchers used the Experience in Close Relationship Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Hassles and Uplifts Scale. Researchers also develop a scale to measure the mechanism of the facilitating effect of attachment security priming to stress-related growth based on the theory and dimensions of strength source of support. The items used for measuring stress-related growth in previous literature was adopted to meet the requirements of daily diary method. Results showed that repeated priming of attachment security facilitated psychology growth. The mediation effect of stress-related growth at T3 and T4 between the association of attachment security priming and subject well-being at T7 were found.
The results of this research showed that attachment security priming has a significant and stable positive effect on stress-related growth, mainly on psychological growth and social growth. In the long term, stress-related growth serves as the mediator between the association of attachment security and subjective well-being. This study reveals the role of attachment security priming in facilitating stress-related growth, enriches the theoretical model of stress-related growth, and provides suggestions for facilitating growth and promoting mental health from a relationship perspective. |