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Acute and sub-acute oral toxicity studies of the aqueous extract from radix, radix with cortex and cortex of Psammosilene tunicoides in mice and rats 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 213, 页码: 199-209
作者:  Yi-Chen;  Wu, Min-Xuan;  Jie-Liu;  Ma, Xiao-Jie;  Shi, Jin-Li;  Wang, Sheng-Nan;  Zheng, Zhi-Quan;  Guo, Jian-You
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Psammosilene tunicoides  Acute toxicity  Sub-acute toxicity  Radix  Cortex  
Cinnamic aldehyde treatment alleviates chronic unexpected stress-induced depressive-like behaviors via targeting cyclooxygenase-2 in mid-aged rats 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 162, 期号: 0, 页码: 97-103
作者:  Yao, Ying;  Huang, Hai-Ying;  Yang, Yuan-Xiao;  Guo, Jian-You
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Aged  Depression  Cinnamic aldehyde  Cyclooxygenase-2  Prostaglandin E2