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Spatial Topography of Individual-Specific Cortical Networks Predicts Human Cognition, Personality, and Emotion 期刊论文
CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2019, 卷号: 29, 页码: 2533–2551
作者:  Ru Kong;  Jingwei Li;  Csaba Orban;  Mert R. Sabuncu;  Hesheng Liu;  Alexander Schaefer;  Nanbo Sun;  Xi-Nian Zuo;  Avram J. Holmes;  Simon B. Eickhoff;  B.T. Thomas Yeo
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behavior prediction  brain parcellation  individual differences  network topography  resting-state functional connectivity  
Local-Global Parcellation of the Human Cerebral Cortex from Intrinsic Functional Connectivity MRI 期刊论文
CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2018, 卷号: 28, 期号: 9, 页码: 3095-3114
作者:  Schaefer, Alexander;  Kong, Ru;  Gordon, Evan M.;  Laumann, Timothy O.;  Zuo, Xi-Nian;  Holmes, Avram J.;  Eickhoff, Simon B.;  Thomas, B. T.
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Brain Parcellation  Brodmann Areas  Cytoarchitecture  Resting-state Functional Connectivity  Retinotopy