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Attentional resource allocation among individuals with different fluid intelligence: The integrated control hypothesis and its evidence from pupillometry 期刊论文
NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 2022, 卷号: 169, 页码: 10
作者:  Lu, Runhao;  Bao, Naili;  Zhang, Xingli;  Shi, Jiannong
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Attentional resource allocation  Fluid intelligence  Individual differences  Integrated control hypothesis  Pupillometry  
坚毅与创造力关系的发展:创造性心智模式的影响 学位论文
理学硕士, 中国科学院心理研究所: 中国科学院大学, 2022
作者:  包乃丽
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创造力  坚毅  创造性心智模式  发散性思维  瞳孔直径  
父亲和母亲自主支持的特点及其与青少年社会适应的关系:自尊的中介作用 期刊论文
心理与行为研究, 2022, 卷号: 20, 期号: 3, 页码: 375~381
作者:  孙洪蕊;  柳铭心;  张兴利;  周晨浩;  刁雅欣;  包乃丽
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 父亲自主支持  母亲自主支持  社会适应  自尊  青少年  
Visuospatial, rather than verbal working memory capacity plays a key role in verbal and figural creativity 期刊论文
THINKING & REASONING, 2021, 页码: 32
作者:  Lu, Runhao;  Zhang, Yanna;  Bao, Naili;  Su, Meng;  Zhang, Xingli;  Shi, Jiannong
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Creativity  divergent thinking  verbal working memory capacity  visuospatial working memory capacity  dual task paradigm