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Common Genetic Variation and the Control of HIV-1 in Humans 期刊论文
PLOS GENETICS, 2009, 卷号: 5, 期号: 12
作者:  Fellay, Jacques;  Ge, Dongliang;  Shianna, Kevin V.;  Colombo, Sara;  Ledergerber, Bruno;  Cirulli, Elizabeth T.;  Urban, Thomas J.;  Zhang, Kunlin;  Gumbs, Curtis E.;  Smith, Jason P.;  Castagna, Antonella;  Cozzi-Lepri, Alessandro;  De Luca, Andrea;  Easterbrook, Philippa;  Guenthard, Huldrych F.;  Mallal, Simon;  Mussini, Cristina;  Dalmau, Judith;  Martinez-Picado, Javier;  Miro, Jose M.;  Obel, Niels;  Wolinsky, Steven M.;  Martinson, Jeremy J.;  Detels, Roger;  Margolick, Joseph B.;  Jacobson, Lisa P.;  Descombes, Patrick;  Antonarakis, Stylianos E.;  Beckmann, Jacques S.;  O'Brien, Stephen J.;  Letvin, Norman L.;  McMichael, Andrew J.;  Haynes, Barton F.;  Carrington, Mary;  Feng, Sheng;  Telenti, Amalio;  Goldstein, David B.;  NIAID Ctr HIV AIDS Vaccine Immunol;  D. B. Goldstein
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genome-wide association  hla-c  host genetics  infection  aids  progression  disease  polymorphism  resistance  hcp5