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How dyadic emotional transmission shapes teacher-student relationship: effects of emotional convergence on cohesion in teacher-student interaction 期刊论文
作者:  Qi, Huizi;  Zhang, Yulin;  Dong, Kaixi;  Zhao, Guozhen
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Emotional convergence  Physiological synchrony  Physiological predictability  Teacher-student interaction  Teacher-student cohesion  
Depressive symptomatology and different dimensions of social support serially mediate the effect of negative automatic thoughts on suicidal ideation 期刊论文
作者:  Dong, Kaixi;  Zhao, Guozhen
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Negative automatic thoughts  Depressive symptomatology  Perceived social support  Suicidal ideation  College students  
The mediating role of social connectedness in the effect of positive personality, alexithymia and emotional granularity on life satisfaction: Analysis based on a structural equation model 期刊论文
Personality and Individual Differences, 2021, 卷号: 171, 页码: 6
作者:  Zhang, Yulin;  Dong, Kaixi;  Zhao, Guozhen
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Positive personality  Social connectedness  Life satisfaction  Alexithymia  Emotional granularity  Undoing effect  
了不起的体育运动 期刊论文
父母必读, 2021, 期号: 8, 页码: 75-107
作者:  本刊编辑部(策划);  李美锟(执行);  罗冬梅;  刘肖岑;  田国秀;  高振国;  眭禄;  王永轩;  徐铭晨;  冷宇;  涂子通;  张莹;  大海老师
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冰雪运动  体能训练  体育运动  优秀运动员  奥运圣火  幼儿园  冠军  如何看待  
基于高空vr场景的应激反应诱发范式有效性验证 期刊论文
航天医学与医学工程, 2020, 卷号: 33, 期号: 1, 页码: 28-34
作者:  汪杼彬;  张玉麟;  董凯喜;  赵国朕
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应激反应  虚拟现实  高空场景  唾液皮质醇  
Recognizing Hazard Perception in a Visual Blind Area Based on EEG Features 期刊论文
IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 卷号: 8, 页码: 48917-48928
作者:  Guo, Zizheng;  Pan, Yufan;  Zhao, Guozhen;  Zhang, Jun;  Dong, Ni
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Hazards  Electroencephalography  Vehicles  Task analysis  Psychology  Standards  Support vector machines  Hazard perception  EEG  anticipatory activity  SVM  
肝郁化火证大鼠模型的建立与评价 期刊论文
中华中医药杂志, 2015, 卷号: 30, 期号: 6, 页码: 2050-2053
作者:  赵振武;  顾丽佳;  郭蓉娟;  郭建友;  董洪坦
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行为学  肝郁化火证  丹栀逍遥散  模型  
Visual Cortical Activation During Auditory Word Categorization: Evidence for Multiple Sensory Interaction From Normal Sighted Participants 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS, 2009, 卷号: 36, 期号: 8, 页码: 987-993
作者:  Dong Guo-Zhen;  Yang Zhi;  Zhang Zhao-Qi;  Yu Wei;  Li Jing-Wei;  He Yi;  Zhang, John X.;  Weng Xu-Chu;  J. X. Zhang;  X. C. Weng
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visual cortex  auditory stimulation  functional MRI  cross-modality  
明视人听词分类任务时的视皮层激活——跨感觉通道的新证据(英文) 期刊论文
生物化学与生物物理进展, 2009, 卷号: 36, 期号: 8, 页码: 987-993
作者:  董国珍;  杨志;  张兆琪;  于薇;  李静薇;  贺毅;  张学新;  翁旭初
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视觉皮层  听觉刺激  功能磁共振成像  跨通道  
音乐训练促进词语学习和记忆能力的脑神经机制研究 学位论文
, 心理研究所: 中国科学院心理研究所, 2008
作者:  董国珍
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音乐训练  视皮层  跨通道  听觉  功能磁共振成像