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Aberrant degree centrality profiles during rumination in major depressive disorder 期刊论文
作者:  Jia, Feng-Nan;  Chen, Xiao;  Du, Xiang-Dong;  Tang, Zhen;  Ma, Xiao-Yun;  Ning, Tian-Tian;  Zou, Si-Yun;  Zuo, Shang-Fu;  Li, Hui-Xian;  Cui, Shi-Xian;  Deng, Zhao-Yu;  Fu, Jia-Lin;  Fu, Xiao-Qian;  Huang, Yue-Xiang;  Li, Xue-Ying;  Lian, Tao;  Liao, Yi-Fan;  Liu, Li-Li;  Lu, Bin;  Wang, Yan;  Wang, Yu-Wei;  Wang, Zi-Han;  Ye, Gang;  Zhang, Xin-Zhu;  Zhu, Hong-Liang;  Quan, Chuan-Sheng;  Sun, Hong-Yan;  Yan, Chao-Gan;  Liu, Yan-Song
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degree centrality  dorsal attention network  executive function  fMRI  major depressive disorder  rumination  
The Structure of Users' Satisfaction with Body一Worn Cameras: A Study of 181 Chinese Police Officers 期刊论文
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023, 卷号: 1832, 页码: 689-694
作者:  Yan Shang;  Xiaoyan Wei;  Wenxuan Duan;  Jingyu Zhang
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Factor analysis  Body-worn cameras  Adaptability  Portability Ease of use  
Applying Hierarchical Task Analysis to Identify the Needs of Intelligent Equipment for Traffic Police in China 会议论文
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 不详, June 26, 2022 - July 1, 2022
作者:  Duan, Wenxuan;  Shang, Yan;  Zhang, Jingyu;  Wang, Huiyun;  Zou, Xiangying
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Small P values may not yield robust findings: an example using REST-meta-PD 期刊论文
Science Bulletin, 2021, 卷号: 66, 页码: 2148-2152
作者:  Jia, Xi-Ze;  Zhao, Na;  Dong, Hao-Ming;  Sun, Jia-Wei;  Barton, Marek;  Burciu, Roxana;  Carriere, Nicolas;  Cerasa, Antonio;  Chen, Bo-Yu;  Chen, Jun;  Coombes, Stephen;  Defebvre, Luc;  Delmaire, Christine;  Dujardin, Kathy;  Esposito, FabriZio;  Fan, Guo-Guang;  Di Nardo, Federica;  Feng, Yi-Xuan;  Fling, Brett W.;  Garg, Saurabh;  Gilat, Moran;  Gorges, Martin;  Ho, Shu-Leong;  Horak, Fay B.;  Hu, Xiao;  Hu, Xiao-Fei;  Huang, Biao;  Huang, Pei-Yu;  Jia, Ze-Juan;  Jones, Christina;  Kassubek, Jan;  Krajcovicova, Lenka;  Kurani, Ajay;  Li, Jing;  Li, Qing;  Liu, Ai-Ping;  Liu, Bo;  Liu, Hu;  Liu, Wei-Guo;  Lopes, Renaud;  Lou, Yu-Ting;  Luo, Wei;  Madhyastha, Tara;  Mao, Ni-Ni;  McAlonan, Grainne;  McKeown, Martin J.;  Pang, Shirley;  Quattrone, Andrea;  Rektorova, Irena;  Sarica, Alessia;  Shang, Hui-Fang;  Shine, James M.;  Shukla, Priyank;  Slavicek, Tomas;  Song, Xiao-Peng;  Tedeschi, Gioacchino;  Tessitore, Alessandro;  Vaillancourt, David;  Wang, Jian;  Wang, Jue;  Wang, Z. Jane;  Wei, Lu-Qing;  Wu, Xia;  Xu, Xiao-Jun;  Yan, Lei;  Yang, Jing;  Yang, Wan-Qun;  Yao, Nai-Lin;  Zhang, De-Long;  Zhang, Jiu-Quan;  Zhang, Min-Ming;  Zhang, Yan-Ling;  Zhou, Cai-Hong;  Yan, Chao-Gan;  Zuo, Xi-Nian;  Hallett, Mark;  Zuo, Xi-Nian;  Hallett, M;  Wu, T;  Zang, YF
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Does Approach-Avoidance Behavior in Response to Ambiguous Cues Reflect Depressive Interpretation Bias? Related but Distinct 期刊论文
COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH, 2020, 卷号: 44, 页码: 1091–1105
作者:  Lin, Xiao-Xiao;  Si, Shang-Wen;  Gao, Rui-Rui;  Sun, Ya-Bin;  Wang, Yu-Zheng;  Wang, Ning;  Luo, Fei;  Wang, Jin-Yan
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Interpretation bias  Depression  Ambiguity  Judgement bias test  Approach-avoidance  
面孔吸引力在认知过程中的作用及其神经机制 期刊论文
心理科学进展, 2018, 卷号: 26, 期号: 02, 页码: 241-253
作者:  尚俊辰;  陈文锋;  季琭妍
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面孔吸引力  注意  时间知觉  记忆  决策  
新入园幼儿的皮质醇变化与上呼吸道感染的关系:气质的作用 期刊论文
心理学报, 2014, 期号: 4, 页码: 516-527
作者:  贺琼;  王争艳;  王莉;  蒋彩虹;  上官芳芳
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幼儿  唾液皮质醇  气质  上呼吸道感染  
基于运动想象的脑机交互康复训练新技术对脑卒中大脑可塑性影响 期刊论文
中国康复医学杂志, 2013, 卷号: 28, 期号: 2, 页码: 97-102
作者:  刘小燮;  毕胜;  高小榕;  杨志;  闫铮;  寇程;  马林;  高上凯
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脑卒中  脑机接口  运动想象  功能性核磁共振  大脑可塑性  
书法心理治疗对震后儿童创伤应激反应的心理干预研究 期刊论文
中国社会医学杂志, 2011, 卷号: 28, 期号: 1, 页码: 31-33
作者:  宗焱;  祝卓宏;  王晓刚;  郭建友;  唐山;  陈丽云;  高尚仁
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心理干预  书法治疗  儿童  创伤后应激反应  唾液皮质醇  
书法心理治疗对震后210名小学生创伤后应激反应的心理干预 期刊论文
中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2010, 卷号: 19, 期号: 3, 页码: 267-268
作者:  宗焱;  祝卓宏;  王晓刚;  唐山;  张天明;  尹华乐;  陈军;  林秉华;  陈丽云;  高尚仁
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心理干预  书法治疗  儿童  创伤后应激反应  唾液皮质醇