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脊髓刺激重建运动功能:治疗效果和作用机制 期刊论文
科学通报, 2025, 页码: 1-11
作者:  李经纬;  张立波;  王海璐;  吕雪靖
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脊髓刺激  硬膜外脊髓刺激  经皮脊髓刺激  运动功能障碍  
持续性疼痛知觉的 EEG 脑电响应及其神经机制 学位论文
理学博士, 中国科学院心理研究所: 中国科学院大学, 2022
作者:  王海璐
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持续性疼痛  慢性疼痛  脑电图(electroencephalography, EEG)  神经振 荡  非周期信号  
Neural processes responsible for the translation of sustained nociceptive inputs into subjective pain experience 期刊论文
CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2022, 页码: 17
作者:  Wang, Hailu;  Guo, Yifei;  Tu, Yiheng;  Peng, Weiwei;  Lu, Xuejing;  Bi, Yanzhi;  Iannetti, Gian Domenico;  Hu, Li
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nociceptive information  pain perception  alpha-band oscillations  phase-amplitude coupling  mediation effects  
The inhibition process underlying correct rejection of lures under different attentional states: an event-related potential study 期刊论文
NEUROREPORT, 2019, 卷号: 30, 期号: 12, 页码: 847-851
作者:  Chen, Ying;  Wang, Hailu;  Zhang, Qin;  Cui, Lixia
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attentional states  event-related potentials  FN400  inhibition process  late positive component  time-frequency