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Electromyography-Based Intentional-Deception Behavior Analysis in an Interactive Social Context: Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning 期刊论文
SSRN, 2023, 期号: 16
作者:  Dong, Zizhao;  Li, Jingting;  Yang, Xingpeng;  Yang, Xingpeng;  Lu, Shaoyuan;  Wang, Su-Jing;  Fu, Xiaolan
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Simple but Effective In-the-wild Micro-Expression Spotting Based on Head Pose Segmentation 会议论文
FME 2023 - Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Facial Micro-Expression: Advanced Techniques for Multi-Modal Facial Expression Analysis, 不详, 2023
作者:  Yang, Xingpeng;  Yang, Henian;  Li, Jingting;  Wang, Su-Jing
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Micro-expressions spotting  In-the-wild database  Temporal seg- mentation  Head pose estimation