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It’s not WEIRD, it’s WRONG: When Researchers Overlook uNderlying Genotypes,they will not detect universal processes 期刊论文
BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES, 2010, 卷号: 33, 页码: 33-34
作者:  Lowell Gaertner;  Constantine Sedikides;  Huajian Cai;  Jonathon D. Brown
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Guilty by implicit racial bias: the guilty/not guilty Impicit Association Test 期刊论文
Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, 2010, 卷号: 8, 页码: 187-208
作者:  Levinson J.D.;  Cai H.;  Young D.;  Cai HJ(蔡华俭)
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implicit racial bias  racial disparities  implicit association test  implicit social cognition  racial justice  
An Investigation of AIDS-related Knowledge and Reactions among College Students in China. 期刊论文
心理学报, 2009, 卷号: 41, 期号: 11, 页码: 518-527
作者:  Cai HJ(蔡华俭);  Deng CP(邓赐平);  Zhou LX(周丽昕);  Zhao GX(赵国祥);  Cai HJ(蔡华俭)
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艾滋病  艾滋病患者  误解  责任感知  强制性措施