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Development and Validation of a BMI-Based Figure Rating Scale for Chinese Adolescents 期刊论文
作者:  Yu, Chao-Ran;  Yu, Xin-Yang;  Fan, Zhi-Tao;  Wang, Kui;  Littleton, Heather L.
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body image  figure rating scale  Chinese adolescents  body dissatisfaction  
Body Image and Sociocultural Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction in Croatian and Chinese Women 期刊论文
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2020, 卷号: 11, 页码: 18
作者:  Stojcic, Ivana;  Dong, Xiawei;  Ren, Xiaopeng
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culture  body image dissatisfaction  thin-ideal internalization  China  Croatia  
The thinner the better: Evidence on the internalization of the slimness ideal in Chinese college students 期刊论文
PSYCH JOURNAL, 2020, 页码: 9
作者:  Wang, Kui;  Liang, Rui;  Yu, Xinyang;  Shum, David H. K.;  Roalf, David;  Chan, Raymond C. K.
Adobe PDF(557Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:568/1  |  提交时间:2020/03/31
attractiveness  body dissatisfaction  hierarchical linear modeling  thin ideal  
Neural correlates of appearance-based social comparison: The modulating effects of body dissatisfaction and person perspective 期刊论文
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 144, 页码: 74-84
作者:  Wang, Xinyu;  Liu, Yong;  She, Ying;  Gao, Xiao
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Social comparison  Person perspective  Body dissatisfaction  Attentional bias  ERPs  N1  LPC  
The Enhancing Effect of Overconfidence on Subsequent Learning Performance: Potential Mediation Effects of Dissatisfaction and Effort 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING, 2017, 卷号: 30, 期号: 2, 页码: 555-568
作者:  Bi, Yanling;  Liu, Pei;  Li, Shu;  Zhang, Baoshan;  Shu Li
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Overconfidence  Dissatisfaction  Effort  Performance  Subsequent Performance