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Conscious vision in blindness: A new perceptual phenomenon implemented on the "wrong" side of the brain 期刊论文
PSYCH JOURNAL, 2024, 页码: 8
作者:  Bao, Yan;  Zhou, Bin;  Yu, Xinchi;  Mao, Lihua;  Gutyrchik, Evgeny;  Paolini, Marco;  Logothetis, Nikos;  Poppel, Ernst
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blindsight  fMRI  residual vision  visual completion  visual cortex  
Altered Functional Connectivity of the Primary Visual Cortex in Adult Comitant Strabismus: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study 期刊论文
CURRENT EYE RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 44, 期号: 3, 页码: 316-323
作者:  Yan, Xiaohe;  Wang, Yun;  Xu, Lijuan;  Liu, Yong;  Song, Shaojie;  Ding, Kun;  Zhou, Yuan;  Jiang, Tianzi;  Lin, Xiaoming
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Functional connectivity  primary visual cortex  comitant strabismus  resting-state  functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)  
Feedback from human posterior parietal cortex enables visuospatial category representations as early as primary visual cortex 期刊论文
BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-15
作者:  Li, Yanyan;  Hu, Xiaopeng;  Yu, Yongqiang;  Zhao, Ke;  Saalmann, Yuri B.;  Wang, Liang
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effective connectivity  posterior parietal cortex  primary visual cortex  spatial categorization  
Attention priority map of face images in human early visual cortex 会议论文
, 曲阜, 2017.7.2
作者:  Ce Mo;  Ce Moa, Dongjun He;  Fang Fang
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priority map  natural stimuli  face  early visual cortex  
Retina stimulation with low-frequency ultrasound in vivo 会议论文
, 曲阜, 2017.7.2
作者:  Qiuju Jiang;  Huixia Zhao;  Guofeng Li;  Weibao Qiu;  Hairong Zheng
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ultrasound  retina  primary visual cortex  in vivo  
Sub-compartments within orientation columns of primary visual cortex: a proposal for a contour building architecture 会议论文
, 曲阜, 2017.2
作者:  Ming Li;  Xue-Mei Song;  Tao Xu;  Anna Wang Roe;  Dewen Hu;  Chao-Yi Li
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primary visual cortex(V1)  orientation column  contour building  sub-compartments  
Doxorubicin accelerates and enhances AAV-based transgene expression in the cat and rat brain 会议论文
, 曲阜, 2017.7.2
作者:  Gong Hongliang;  Lu Yiliang;  Qian Liling;  I.Andolina;  Liu Rui;  Zhang Shenghai;  Zilong Qiu;  Wu Jihong;  Wang Wei
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AAV  doxorubicin  gene transfer  cat  visual cortex  
Editorial: Modeling of Visual Cognition, Body Sense, Motor Control and Their Integrations 期刊论文
作者:  Qiao, Hong;  Hu, Li
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computational modeling  biological mechanism  visual cortex  pain prediction  bio-inspired model  machine learning  neural networks  
Planning Movements in Visual and Physical Space in Monkey Posterior Parietal Cortex 期刊论文
CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2016, 卷号: 26, 期号: 2, 页码: 731-747
作者:  Kuang, Shenbing;  Morel, Pierre;  Gail, Alexander
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action planning  anti-reach  physical goal  posterior parietal cortex  reversing-prism  visual goal  
不可见刺激诱发双眼竞争 会议论文
, 北京, 2016-07
作者:  Jinyou Zou;  Sheng He;  Peng Zhang
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Binocular rivalry  Awareness  Visual Cortex