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Diachronic semantic change in language is constrained by how people use and learn language 期刊论文
MEMORY & COGNITION, 2022, 页码: 15
作者:  Li, Ying;  Siew, Cynthia S. Q.
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Language evolution  Semantic change  Age of acquisition  Semantic decision  Lexical decision  
Earlier second language acquisition is associated with greater neural pattern dissimilarity between the first and second languages 期刊论文
BRAIN AND LANGUAGE, 2020, 卷号: 203, 页码: 8
作者:  Ou, Jian;  Li, Wenlong;  Yang, Yang;  Wang, Nizhuan;  Xu, Min
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Bilingualism  Representational similarity analysis  Age of acquisition  Proficiency  Neuroimaging