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Evaluating Cortical Alterations in Patients With Chronic Back Pain Using Neuroimaging Techniques: Recent Advances and Perspectives 期刊论文
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 页码: 11
作者:  Li Zhang;  Lili Zhou;  Qiaoyue Ren;  Tahmineh Mokhtari;  Li Wan;  Xiaolin Zhou;  Li Hu
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chronic back pain  cortical reorganization  neuroimaging techniques  central sensitization  emotional and cognitive disorders  
Attention to threat in high and low trait-anxious individuals: A study using extremely threatening pictorial cues 期刊论文
PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 2007, 卷号: 104, 期号: 3, 页码: 1097-1106
作者:  Li, Xinying;  Wang, Min;  Poltakoff, Ellen;  Luo, Yuejia
收藏  |  浏览/下载:286/0  |  提交时间:2011/08/22
selective attention  emotional disorders  anxiety  bias