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LLM Plus Machine Learning Outperform Expert Rating to Predict Life Satisfaction from Self-Statement Text 期刊论文
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2024
作者:  Huang,Feng;  Sun,Xia;  Mei,Aizhu;  Wang,Yilin;  Din,Huimin;  Zhu,Tingshao
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The database of eye-movement measures on words in Chinese reading 期刊论文
SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2022, 卷号: 9, 期号: 1, 页码: 8
作者:  Zhang, Guangyao;  Yao, Panpan;  Ma, Guojie;  Wang, Jingwen;  Zhou, Junyi;  Huang, Linjieqiong;  Xu, Pingping;  Chen, Lijing;  Chen, Songlin;  Gu, Junjuan;  Wei, Wei;  Cheng, Xi;  Hua, Huimin;  Liu, Pingping;  Lou, Ya;  Shen, Wei;  Bao, Yaqian;  Liu, Jiayu;  Lin, Nan;  Li, Xingshan
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Inspired, but not mimicking: a conversation between artificial intelligence and human intelligence 期刊论文
NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 2022, 卷号: 9, 期号: 6, 页码: 6
作者:  Weijie, Zhao;  Fu, Xiaolan;  Gu, Yong;  He, Sheng;  Liu, Zhuojun;  Tan, Tieniu;  Zhou, Zhi-Hua;  Lin, Huimin
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我国20省市0~23月龄婴幼儿大运动发育影响因素研究 期刊论文
中国妇幼保健, 2022, 卷号: 37, 期号: 10, 页码: 1849-1853
作者:  李林林;  李瑞莉;  政晓果;  王利红;  杨慧敏;  崔佳音;  朱莉琪;  郭淑玲;  赵璐;  赵文华;  杨振宇;  张倩;  徐韬;  王育英;  陈博文
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0~23月龄  大运动  影响因素  发育商  
Individual differences in first-pass fixation duration in reading are related to resting-state functional connectivity 期刊论文
BRAIN AND LANGUAGE, 2021, 卷号: 213, 页码: 104893
作者:  Zhang, Guangyao;  Yuan, Binke;  Hua, Huimin;  Lou, Ya;  Lin, Nan;  Li, Xingshan
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Resting-state fMRI  Functional connectivity  Eye movements  Individual differences  Brain-behaviour relationship  
Dissociating the neural correlates of the sociality and plausibility effects in simple conceptual combination 期刊论文
BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION, 2020, 卷号: 225, 期号: 3, 页码: 995-1008
作者:  Lin, Nan;  Xu, Yangwen;  Yang, Huichao;  Zhang, Guangyao;  Zhang, Meimei;  Wang, Shaonan;  Hua, Huimin;  Li, Xingshan
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Social concepts  Semantic plausibility  Semantics  Brain network  Phrase comprehension  Functional connectivity  
Coin, telephone, and handcuffs: Neural correlates of social knowledge of inanimate objects 期刊论文
NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 2019, 卷号: 133, 页码: 14
作者:  Lin, Nan;  Xu, Yangwen;  Wang, Xiaoying;  Yang, Huichao;  Du, Menglin;  Hua, Huimin;  Li, Xingshan
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Social concept  Object concept  Mentalizing  Word comprehension  fMRI  
Fine Subdivisions of the Semantic Network Supporting Social and Sensory-Motor Semantic Processing 期刊论文
CEREBRAL CORTEX, 2018, 卷号: 28, 期号: 8, 页码: 2699-2710
作者:  Lin, Nan;  Wang, Xiaoying;  Xu, Yangwen;  Wang, Xiaosha;  Hua, Huimin;  Zhao, Ying;  Li, Xingshan
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Fmri  Imageability  Social Concept  Theory Of Mind  Verb  
Neural correlates of three cognitive processes involved in theory of mind and discourse comprehension 期刊论文
作者:  Lin, Nan;  Yang, Xiaohong;  Li, Jing;  Wang, Shaonan;  Hua, Huimin;  Ma, Yujun;  Li, Xingshan
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Mentalizing  Mentalizing  Discourse processing  Discourse processing  Social concept  Social concept  Semantic integration  Semantic integration  fMRI  fMRI  
Skipping of Chinese characters does not rely on word-based processing 期刊论文
ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS, 2018, 卷号: 80, 期号: 2, 页码: 600-607
作者:  Lin, Nan;  Angele, Bernhard;  Hua, Huimin;  Shen, Wei;  Zhou, Junyi;  Li, Xingshan
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Eye movements and reading  Reading.  Word perception